ZEUS Data Preservation project at Max-Planck Institut für Physik
ZEUS Monte Carlo events generation with modern generators
The list of Monte Carlo generators used during the active period of HERA experiments
id given HERA Monte Carlo Programs.html(note possibly outdated links).
Some of them can be used to generate the new samples of Monte Carlo events.
As of 2016, some popular generators capable generate ep events are installed on the Virtual Machine:
SHERPA-MC version 2.2.0 with blackhat version 0.9.9 one-loop library.
Herwig7 version 7.0.2 with gosam version 2.0.3 one-loop library support.
Other Monte Carlo generators and libraries are available as well: pythia8, PHOTOS, TAUOLA, vincia plugin for pythia.
A minimal set of PDFs is available from the LHAPDF6.1 package.
Therefore, any additional PDFS can be installed with lhapdf utility.
This is a step-by-step instruction to produce ZEUS simulated events in ADAMO format
using the modern Monte Carlo generators:
Set-up your favourite generator that produces an output in HepMC format;
Generate MC events and write them to an output file;
Convert the output file to ADAMO format with the formoza_hepmc3 utility.
[zeus@mpp-dphep-CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511 ~]$ formoza_hepmc3 hepmc2_adamozeus sherpa.hepmc2 example.fz events_limit=2000